4 Machine Learning Trends that Made 2017

Zelros AI
3 min readDec 27, 2017


2017 has been a stunning year for all of us, here at Zelros.

We started 2017 by a technical blog post — that turned out to be very popular among the data science community — and an innovation prize, awarded by our peers.

As 2017 is almost ending, we wanted to close these amazing last 12 months with some of our thoughts on what is currently happening on the AI field.

Here is a review of the 4 most striking machine learning trends, noticed by our product R&D team this year.

Trend 1: ML Frameworks

New Machine Learning frameworks are dawning.

They are becoming more and more high level, to help users focus on applications and usage — and offload them from low level tasks.

Data scientists must adapt quickly and learn to use several of them, to remain up to date. Here are a few examples of what happened in 2017:

Machine Learning frameworks are more and more numerous

Trend 2: Datasets

There is no machine learning without data. This year, several new datasets have been released, helping data scientists to train and benchmark models for various tasks. Here are a few of them, in the Natural Language Processing field:

Trend 3: Transparency

As AI is more and more used in real-life enterprise processes, and the new GDPR regulation will be soon enforced in Europe, the need for algorithms transparency is raising.

In 2017, we have seen several contributions around Interpretable Machine Learning. Here is a selection:

Algorithms transparency, one of the most striking machine learning trends in 2017

Trend 4: AutoML

2017 has seen the advent of automated machine learning, that becomes little by little a commodity.

AutoML is the way to automate some parts of the data science process: basic data preparation and feature engineering, model selection, hyper parameters tuning, …

This year, new open source libraries have been released, like MLBox, or improved, like auto-sklearn.

New commercial solutions have been launched as well, like for example Edge-ml or Prevision.io.

What’s more, existing tools have added AutoML capabilities:

Driverless AI AutoML, by H2O.ai

We wish you a happy new year! Stay tuned for an important announcement in the coming weeks ;)

And did we mention that we are hiring data scientists and software engineers?



Zelros AI
Zelros AI

Written by Zelros AI

Our thoughts about Data, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

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